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Eva Adams
Sep 30, 20183 min read
What's yoga got to do with writing?
Great writing, like great music or art, is highly physical. Well, at least for me it is. I know I’ve written well when I feel utterly...

Eva Adams
May 23, 20185 min read
Balance, Blondin and me
My balance is much better when I don’t over-think it. I incorporate yoga into my daily life in lots of different ways, one of which is...

Eva Adams
Mar 2, 20185 min read
Toe-to-head beauty routine
I used to hate my feet and tended to keep them hidden away. Until just over a year ago, when I took up yoga, I was able to avoid looking...

Eva Adams
Feb 28, 20183 min read
Snow, snow, snow
I woke up to a winter wonderland this morning and almost ran to the park. I couldn’t wait to get there. I know it sounds a bit weird,...
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